G7 Expert

G7® is Idealliance’s industry-leading set of specifications for achieving gray balance and is the driving force for achieving visual similarity across all print processes.

G7 is a specification and is listed as Technical Report (TR) 015 in ANSI/CGATS. Idealliance certifies our industry’s most knowledgeable experts to qualify leading providers of print, creative, and prepress services in the G7 methodology. The G7 method outlines an easy-to-follow recipe for implementing ISO printing standards and additional metrics. The result is a simple but powerful way to match from proof to press.

  • G7 is both a definition of grayscale appearance, and a calibration method for adjusting any CMYK imaging device to simulate the G7 grayscale definition.
  • G7 is a method to ensure a similar appearance across multiple devices.
  • G7 is used to consistently hit desired color targets.
  • G7 is device independent. The G7 neutral print density curve (NPDC), gray balance definitions and calibration methodology are the same for any imaging technology, regardless of substrate, colorants, screening technologies, etc.
  • G7 is designed to align all processes, substrates, and inks.

White Paper: The Value of G7 for Brand Owners

White Paper: The Value of G7 for Print Providers

G7 Technical Specifications & Benefits

Additional downloads on the G7 microsite